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From: garymmann gary_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-17 12:22:16

Firstly, apologies if this is a FAQ.

What is the current status of boost::threads on Solaris 2.6 using the
Forte 6u1 (5.2) compiler? Is this a "supported" platform/compiler
combination. If it "kind of works", are there any known issues which
I will need to code around, or is it completely broken. Is the issue
with the Solaris pthreads or with the broken compiler? Does the
compiler work well enough to be able to compile just the threads

I'm looking for a threading abstraction portable to at least
GCC/Linux, MSVC/Win32 and Forte/Solaris. Is boost::threads likely to
be able to satisfy this requirement right now, or am I going to have
to look elsewhere. If I do need to look elsewhere, can anyone
recommend an alternative to paying large amounts of money away to
Rogue Wave!

Hope someone can help,



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