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Boost Users :

From: Yutaka Emura (yutaka_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-21 13:37:39

Dr John Maddock,

Here is a test case.

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    boost::regex expression;
    std::string asFind[5];

    expression.assign("(?!foo)bar", boost::regbase::perl);

    asFind[0] = "foobar";
    asFind[1] = "??bar";
    asFind[2] = "barfoo";
    asFind[3] = "bar??";
    asFind[4] = "bar";

    for( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ){
        std::string s = asFind[i];
        std::string::const_iterator start = s.begin();
        std::string::const_iterator end = s.end();
        boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> subexp;
        if (boost::regex_search( start, end, subexp, expression,
boost::match_default)) {
            printf( "%s - Found.\n", s.c_str() );
        else {
            printf( "%s - Not Found.\n", s.c_str() );
    return 0;

The output is:

foobar - Not Found.
??bar - Not Found.
barfoo - Found.
bar?? - Found.
bar - Found.

However, all the words should be "Found".
Thank you for your time in advance.

Yutaka Emura

-----Original Message-----

> "(?!foo)bar" matches "bar" in the last three lines of the following:
> foobar
> ??bar
> barfoo
> bar??
> bar
> Why doesn't it match "bar" in all the lines?

Provided you are calling regex_search it should find a match in all the
cases, if it doesn't then please submit a test case.

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