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From: Edward Diener (eddielee_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-21 18:38:32

"John Maddock" <john_maddock_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
> > How are you saving 2) ? In memory or permanently in a file ? If
> permanently
> > in a file, how does the end-user reuse named regexes in other situations
> > from the one in which he created a name for a regular expression ?
> Inquiring
> > minds want to know <g>.
> Be aware that we are talking about vapourware here ;-)

Of course <g>.

> I wasn't planning to save them at all - it's up to the programmer to call
> specific API to make them available to subsequent regexes. One could
> imagine a "library" of such expressions though (a specific source module
> that you would link to, and which at initialisation time would register
> expressions).

Yes, of course that would be helpful to refer to a regular expression with a
rememberable name. I was fishing for how you plan to accomplish this
"specific API" in order to somehow make the named expressions available to
subsequent regexes. Or do you mean to say that it is up to the user to
register named regular expressions when using Regex++ and however he
accomplishes it is his own business, while once a named regular expression
is registered it can be used as an alias for the actual regular expression ?

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