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From: agiatojon JonAgiato_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-23 08:51:37

Hello all,

I have been unable to successfully compile histogram.cpp in the
random library folder, version 1_29_0, using Visual Studio.NET. I
obtain the following errors:

c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(49): warning C4267: 'argument' :
conversion from 'size_t' to 'std::streamsize', possible loss of data
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2061: syntax error :
identifier 'base'
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2066: cast to function
type is illegal
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2059: syntax
error : ')'
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(101): error C2065: 'gen' :
undeclared identifier
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(111): error C2228: left of '.base'
must have class/struct/union type
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(111): error C2228: left of '.sum'
must have class/struct/union type
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(113): error C2228: left
of '.squaresum' must have class/struct/union type
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2061: syntax error :
identifier 'base'
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2066: cast to function
type is illegal
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2059: syntax
error : ')'
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(111): error C2228: left of '.base'
must have class/struct/union type
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(111): error C2228: left of '.sum'
must have class/struct/union type
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(113): error C2228: left
of '.squaresum' must have class/struct/union type
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2061: syntax error :
identifier 'base'
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2066: cast to function
type is illegal
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2059: syntax
error : ')'
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(111): error C2228: left of '.base'
must have class/struct/union type
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(111): error C2228: left of '.sum'
must have class/struct/union type
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(113): error C2228: left
of '.squaresum' must have class/struct/union type
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2061: syntax error :
identifier 'base'
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2066: cast to function
type is illegal
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2059: syntax
error : ')'
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(111): error C2228: left of '.base'
must have class/struct/union type
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(111): error C2228: left of '.sum'
must have class/struct/union type
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(113): error C2228: left
of '.squaresum' must have class/struct/union type
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2061: syntax error :
identifier 'base'
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2066: cast to function
type is illegal
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2059: syntax
error : ')'
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(111): error C2228: left of '.base'
must have class/struct/union type
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(111): error C2228: left of '.sum'
must have class/struct/union type
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(113): error C2228: left
of '.squaresum' must have class/struct/union type
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2061: syntax error :
identifier 'base'
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2066: cast to function
type is illegal
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2059: syntax
error : ')'
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(111): error C2228: left of '.base'
must have class/struct/union type
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(111): error C2228: left of '.sum'
must have class/struct/union type
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(113): error C2228: left
of '.squaresum' must have class/struct/union type
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2061: syntax error :
identifier 'base'
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2066: cast to function
type is illegal
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2059: syntax
error : ')'
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(111): error C2228: left of '.base'
must have class/struct/union type
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(111): error C2228: left of '.sum'
must have class/struct/union type
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(113): error C2228: left
of '.squaresum' must have class/struct/union type
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2061: syntax error :
identifier 'base'
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2066: cast to function
type is illegal
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2059: syntax
error : ')'
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(111): error C2228: left of '.base'
must have class/struct/union type
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(111): error C2228: left of '.sum'
must have class/struct/union type
c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(113): error C2228: left
of '.squaresum' must have class/struct/union type

It appears to me that all of these messages will go away when the
second one, c:\Documents and Settings\Agiato\My Documents\Visual
Studio Projects\histogramTest\driver.cpp(97): error C2061: syntax
error : identifier 'base', is corrected.

Any assistance is greatly apprechiated! Thank you.

Jon Agiato

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