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From: hlh771 hlh771_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-02 20:11:55

--- In Boost-Users_at_[hidden], William E. Kempf <wekempf_at_c...>
> > From: "hlh771 <hlh771_at_y...>" <hlh771_at_y...>
> >
> > How to stop(or cancel) a thread? Suppose I have a main thread and
> > worker thread, the worker thread does something looply,and when
> > main thread get a message indicating the process should exit, I
> > stop the worker thread,how to do that?I have read other thread
> > library,their thread class supply a method called stop or cancel
> > which stops the thread. Their Implementation is:the thread class
> > a data member indicating whether the thread should stop,and the
> > thread function looply check the data member whether the thread
> > should stop.Generally the data member's type is a bool or Event.
> > Is it the best way to stop the thread? How the boost to deal with
> > this?
> > Thanks in advance.
> Today you should use a flag and a condition/mutex combination.
Direct support for cancellation is being provided in a future release.
> William E. Kempf
> wekempf_at_c...
Thanks.I'm not very good at multithread programming,but I like
boost.threads. How to use a flag and a condition/mutex combination to
cancel a thread?Why use condition?Could you show me a simple example?
Expect your answer.

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