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From: Michael Hunley (mhunley_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-05 02:12:11

At 11:44 PM 3/4/2003 +0000, you wrote:
>I think you will need to post some more code; I have tried the code you
>posted, including your simple declaration, on the same platform (gcc
>3.2-7 under Redhat Linux 8.0) - with boost 1.29.0. This compiles without
>error. (See below.)

thanks for taking the time. Unfortunately (for my pride), I found the
error and should have spotted it before I posted. As you gathered from
your test, it had nothing to do with the PScopedLock. It just so happened
that I put the same quick test hack to get something working along side a
lot of those declarations. The hack involved "casting" a variable to
volatile so it didn't get optimized away (in lieu of real synchronization
on a shared data value). Of course it worked fine in the quite forgiving
MSDev environ, but GCC complained about the cast. Sorry for the faulty post.


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