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From: Paul Mensonides (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-05 19:05:21

Edward Diener wrote:

> While I agree with test cases, at the simplest level of just setting
> the #pragmas to values, there should really be no problems. I am
> supposing that one can set a #pragma from within a #define, but if
> one can't, because a #define can't create another preprocessor
> statement,

It is implementation-defined whether or not the contents of a #pragma directive
are macro expanded--I think that VC allows it. C99 explicitly allows it, but
says that any #pragma that begins with STDC is explicitly _not_ macro expanded.
C99, of course, has the _Pragma operator which can be generated by a macro
expansion (not that that is relevent here).

Paul Mensonides

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