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From: Bernhard Glueck (bernhard_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-15 15:40:05

Terje Slettebų wrote:

>>From: "Bernhard Glueck" <bernhard_at_[hidden]>
>>////////////////////// SECOND Problem
>>As you may note all conversions from data types to std::string are
>>commented out !
>>This is because boost::lexical_cast fails to compile in DEBUG mode ( it
>>compiles fine in RELEASE Mode
>>and also works like a charm in RELEASE mode )
>Could you have given the error messages it gives, when these are
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I will as soon as the other problem is solved ( right now the compiler
breaks the build before coming to the uncommented std:.string conversions )
Also note that the lexical cast interface is not a real "showstopper"
issue ... since it would not break an external interface... just the
first problem about boost::function
is really severe.

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