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From: adam_speight (adam_speight_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-15 14:17:26

I have a general question about finnishing the install process for
boost. I have built boost on Cygwin/Gcc3.x/winXP and now have many
versions of various libraries in a deep directory tree. Now,
suppose I want to compile something, say random_test.cpp from

I get the following compiler error

undefined reference to
boost::test_toolbox::detail::wrapstrstream const&, char const*, int,
bool, boost::unit_test_framework::report_level)'

Clearly, I need to link to one of the boost::test library. How
should I be linking to this library? All libraries that were built
have a .lib extention and are spread over a huge directory
structure. How can I tell which library I need?

Is there a way to finnish the build process so that all of the
statically-linked debug libraries are in one place? If somebody
would send me a make file or let me know what is a good approach to
building applications with boost, I'd appreciate it.



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