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From: Michael Hunley (mhunley_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-17 12:26:44

I posted a solution to this for the v1 jambuild on the jambuild list, but
not sure if anything will come of it since most of the effort is going into
v2. My solution (for threads only) was to add a simple stage target at the
end of the root Jamfile. Here it is:

stage bin
         : ## Source Files ##
         : ## Tags ##
         : ## default variants ##

This puts all the libs and such in $(BOOST)/bin s.t. all debug variants
have are of the form <libraryname>d.<extension>. This is not completely
robust (since the possible variants are huge), but it should help basic
users out who need one of the generated libs. Makes linking and DLL/SO
access much simpler.

Under v2 it will be a different ball of wax, but much better/more
maintainable (IMHO).


At 07:13 AM 3/17/2003 -0700, you wrote:
> > Most of the Boost libraries (such as Boost.Random) are header libraries,
> > which means that you add ${BOOST} to the include path of your compiler and
> > you're done with the "installation". There are a few Boost libraries
> > (Python, Regex, Signals, Test, and Thread) that produce actual .lib library
> > files. If you are not using those libraries, you do not need to build the
> > .lib files.
>Other libraries that produce .libs are the date_time library and in the
>upcoming 1.30 release the filesystem library. There are a group of
>boosters working on the install process, but in the meantime I see
>no reason why you can't do something simple like create a /bin
>directory and copy/move/link the libraries to this location
>so you don't have to traverse deep into the directory tree to
>find them.
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