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From: Michael Hunley (mhunley_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-18 10:14:37

Yes, but as of the last version I got from CVS (threads/Jamfile dated
1/30/03) it put it in a folder [$(BOOST)/libs/thread/bin-stage] that is not
common with other produced libs. This is better than the gristed folders,
but still not as useful or convenient as a top level common folder [like
$(BOOST)/bin-stage]. When I need to specify in Linux where to look for
shared libs, or when I want to add the .lib to link with in MSVC, I prefer
the one-stop-shopping for all my boost libs. Perhaps I'm just being lazy,
but that is the mother of invention, after all ;). I hear tell that the
new v2 boost will have an "install" (don't know if it is a build target or
something else) which will probably be far superior still.


At 12:07 PM 3/17/2003 -0600, you wrote:

>Michael Hunley said:
> > I posted a solution to this for the v1 jambuild on the jambuild list,
> > but not sure if anything will come of it since most of the effort is
> > going into v2. My solution (for threads only) was to add a simple
> > stage target at the end of the root Jamfile. Here it is:
> >
> > stage bin
> > : ## Source Files ##
> > <dll>libs/thread/build/boost_thread
> > : ## Tags ##
> > <tag><debug>"d"
> > : ## default variants ##
> > debug
> > release
> > ;
>Such a target already exists in the thread library's Jamfile (not the root).
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