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From: Martin Okrslar (okrslar_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-21 08:49:21

Dear Group,

trying for several days, I simply don't get the correct usage of
internal property maps and the connected_components algorithm. My graphs
are very large (about 600 000 vertices), so that I am using internal
instead of external property maps.

Looking at one of Jeremy's postings
( I defined my
graph as follows:

namespace boost {
  enum vertex_component_t {vertex_component = 113 };
  BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY(vertex, component);

  typedef typename boost::adjacency_list<
    boost::listS, //edges
    boost::listS, //nodes
    //vertex properties
    boost::property<boost::vertex_name_t, std::string, //the name of the
    boost::property<boost::vertex_component_t, int >
> >
    // no edge properties
> Graph;

The code that uses internal property maps as an argument to
compute_components comes below (actually, I am not sure whether this is
a connected_components problem at all).

  typedef boost::property_map<Graph, boost::vertex_component_t>::type
  ComponentPropertyMap component = boost::get(boost::vertex_component,g);

  int components_num = boost::connected_components(g,component);

This looks quite straightforward and is in line with what Jeremy has
posted. But I get the following compiler errors (using Boost 1.29 and
gcc 3.2):

/project/algorithmics/include/boost/property_map.hpp:344: no match for
   std::allocator<boost::default_color_type> > >& + const
   boost::detail::error_property_not_found&' operator

What is going wrong? Do I have to use a color_type_t (Why? How?)?

Any help is very welcome...

Many thanks in advance

Martin Okrslar
MPI for Molecular Genetics          phone: ++ 49 + 30 / 8413-1166
Computational Molecular Biology     Fax:   ++ 49 + 30 / 8413-1152
Ihnestrasse 73                      email: okrslar_at_[hidden]
D-14195 Berlin                      URL:

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