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From: Reed Hedges (reed_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-21 16:11:47


I was using "bjam -sTOOLS=gcc", when I *should* have used
        bjam -sTOOLS=darwin


I wrote:
> Hello. I'm new to Boost, and am trying to build the boost_thread
> library on Darwin (Mac OSX 10.2.4). I have tried 1.30.0 and the CVS
> version, but get a bunch of linker errors (copied below), as well as a
> warning about Python (which I assume is safe to ignore if I don't want
> Python stuff).
> What is the correct way to build boost on Darwin/OSX?
> I have tried the following:
> bjam boost_thread
> bjam -sTOOLS=gcc boost_thread
> bjam -sBUILD="framework bundle-loader" boost_thread
> bjam
> bjam -sTOOLS=gcc
> ...
> And I tried hacking tools/build/gcc-tools.jam to add "-lstdc++" to the
> linker command line.
> All have the same problem.
> here is my GCC version:
> $ gcc --version
> 2.95.2
> (3.2, which is also available for OSX, and I think might be the
> defauld, has bugs [so does 2.95 though...], so I can't use it for my
> own c++ code)
> Here is the bjam output (I used "bjam -q boost_thread" on the CVS
> checkout):
> [...Python warning...]
> ...found 322 targets...
> ...updating 6 targets...
> gcc-Link-action
> libs/thread/build/bin/libboost_thread.dylib/gcc/debug/runtime-link-
> dynamic/shared-linkable-true/libboost_thread.dylib
> /usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
> _main
> __._9exception
> ___builtin_delete
> ___cp_push_exception
> ___eh_alloc

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