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Boost Users :

From: firingme (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-24 01:52:00

Hello Everybody:

   I'm using dev-cpp gcc 3.2),under Win2K Server,and have
downloaded boost form,also downloaded bjam.exe form sourceforg,my boost root is :
    e:\LY\boost_1_30_0,and I've try to build my boost lib as following step:

E:\LY\boost_1_30_0>set path=e:\dev-cpp\bin

E:\LY\boost_1_30_0>set MINGW_ROOT_DIRECTORY=e:\dev-cpp

E:\LY\boost_1_30_0>set MINGW_BIN_DIRECTORY=e:\dev-cpp\bin

E:\LY\boost_1_30_0>set MINGW_INCLUDE_DIRECTORY=e:\dev-cpp\include

E:\LY\boost_1_30_0>set MINGW_STDLIB_DIRECTORY=e:\dev-cpp\lib

E:\LY\boost_1_30_0>bjam sTOOS=mingw
skipping Boost.Python library build due to missing or incorrect

couldn't find Python.h in "/usr/include"

You can configure the location of your python installation by setting:
PYTHON_ROOT - currently "/usr"
PYTHON_VERSION - The 2-part python Major.Minor version number (e.g.
                 "2.2", NOT "2.2.1") - currently "2.2"

The following are automatically configured from PYTHON_ROOT if not
otherwise set:

    PYTHON_LIB_PATH - path to Python library object; currently

    For detailed configuration of Boost.Python for Cygwin GCC
    under Windows NT please see
don't know how to make sTOOS=mingw
...found 1 target...
...can't find 1 target...

So What Can I do ?

Boost-users list run by williamkempf at, kalb at, bjorn.karlsson at, gregod at, wekempf at