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From: Jeff Holle (jeff.holle_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-25 19:14:14

I too failed to build the BGL Graphviz I/O library via the supplied v1
Jamfile with boost_1_29_0 and boost_1_30_0.
I suspect that this problem is because the task is too difficult for
bjam v1 (lex/yacc issues), and expect this will be fixed with v2.

On linux, the solution is to use the provided Makefile in the graph src
directory. The only problem this Makefile had was not cleaning up the
file graphviz_parser.h properly (with boost_1_29_0). It gets generated
by lex.

On Windows, I don't exactly know how one gets lex/yacc and gcc tools.
One solution may be for me to give you the following files. This may
work but I need your direct e-mail in that attachments problably don't

Alex wrote:

> I fail to build the Boost libraries with MSVC 6.
> Specifically, I need to build the BGL but is complains that
> GRAPHVIZ_GRAPH is not defined.
> I am running: bjam "-sTOOLS=msvc"
> Please help!
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