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Boost Users :

From: Gennadiy E. Rozental (rogeeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-26 22:20:05

--- In Boost-Users_at_[hidden], Alejandro Escalante Medina
<alejandro_escalante_medina_at_y...> wrote:
> I do also a problem with some code that used to work
> in 1.29. The following is the output of VC7:
> d:\development\boost\libs\test\src\unit_test_main.cpp(63)
> : error C2872: 'detail' : ambiguous symbol
> could be 'boost::unit_test_framework::detail'
> or 'boost::detail'
> I saw someone reported something similar, but I
> couln't figure out what's wrong...
> Any ideas?

Are you trying to compile unit test frameowork or using incuded
verson of the components?

In any case it seems to be a compiler problem, cause I do not see
problems with the code.

I will try to get an access to VC7 to reproduce the problem. Try to
fully qualify this symbol as a workaround for now.


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