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From: Vladimir Prus (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-28 01:11:59

Jeff Holle wrote:

> Conceptionly, I see why you think this change is right, but...
> I'm using a Bidirection graph (actually a GraphvizDiagraph), not a
> directional graph.

I believe that bidirectional graph is directional graph which knows all
incoming edges for a vertex. IOW, there's additional operation which will
work on bidirectional graph, but in all the other ways it's the same as

> I have attempted to use strongly_connected and it just doesn't come up
> with the answer that my FindComponents method requires.
> So I need to continue using connected_components.

I don't know what could be wrong --- your description is too brief.
strong_components should work on bidirectional graphs. It it does not, it's
a bug, but you'd need to show the bug in order to have it fixed ;-)

- Volodya

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