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From: Tom Matelich (tmatelich_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-01 12:12:14

I'm going to embark on it, but I thought I'd ask in parallel. One of the
things about Terje's proposed lexical_cast was a lot of documentation of how
to specialize it. That doesn't seem to be addressed in 1.30.0's version. I
see in the documentation "Where non-stream-based conversions are required,
lexical_cast is the wrong tool for the job and is not special-cased for such
scenarios." I understand this sentiment, and I tried to search for
discussions of this on the mailing list, but I did not conquer ASPN's search

The reason I'm asking is that we did some profiling and strtod kicked
lexical_cast's butt for string -> double. I currently use lexical_cast in
some template'd xml code, so I could overload my function, but I'd have to
do it in about 5 spots due to an evolving interface. I'd like to just do it
once for lexical_cast. I suppose I could use Terje's implementation, but
I've stuck with boost canon for a long time now intentionally. Any

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