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From: Taras Tielkes (taras_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-07 14:00:51


Some newbie boost thread lib questions:

1) I used to build the 1.29 thread library with the
runtime-link-static\threading-multi build configuration.
    This would yield (in release mode) a 467 KB import library in the
destination directory.

    When I build boost 1.30 (with runtime-link-static\threading-multi), the
target directory for the thread library contains:
    -a boost_thread.dll of 116 KB
    -boost_thread.lib import libarary of 27KB

    Programs compile against the import library have a runtime dependency on
the boost thread dll (as I would expect from the size of the import .lib)

    What's the right way to compile a static-link, multi-threaded
boost.threads library (using the vc7 toolset) in 1.30?

2) What happended to the threadmon.dll? Is it gone in 1.30?

Thanks for any pointers..

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