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From: Stephan Puchegger (puchs_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-07 15:24:28

Hi Joerg, Hi Fres!

Thanks for the explanations!

>> This is the old problem of binding references to temporaries:
>> parameters of `swap()' are *non-const* references, and they
>> cannot be bound to temporaries returned by `row()'.

I only came up with this idea, because a similar (but not identical)
syntax is valid in the MTL. I will perhaps just for fun try to dig into
their sourcecode to see how they do trick, how they avoid the
temporaries and what price they pay for being able to do it.

Thanks for the help, ublas is great!


Stephan Puchegger
Email: Stephan.Puchegger_at_[hidden]

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