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From: Christopher Currie (Christopher_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-11 10:04:22

I tried to send this earlier using the newsgroup, but it seems to have been
dropped on the floor. Sorry for the duplicate if it shows up.

The latest version of boost has some support for some versions of this
compiler. The appropriate jamfile is "sunpro-tools.jam" (Sunpro is an old
name for this compiler.) Thus:

cd $BOOST_ROOT/libs/thread/build
bjam -sTOOLS=sunpro

That said, your mileage may vary on this compiler. I have found that it is
notoriously buggy, especially wrt templates, and boost code will often cause
it heartache in obscure ways. My results have found:

* Up-to-date patches for the compiler and the operating system are a must.
Find them here:

* Both versions of this compiler that I have tested have issues with
Boost.TypeTraits, generating loads of spurious "Anacronism" warnings wrt the
typename keyword being absent or present. Unfortunately, sun has not
provided a flag to silence these warnings, and adding typename to the
locations it complains about breaks other compilers, notably g++.

* Both versions of this compiler will have problems linking some Boost unit
tests, due to odd template RTTI issues.
Adding -sBUILD="<cxxflags>-instances=static" will sometimes fix this
problem. I don't recommend making this flag a default, because of the code
bloat that entails.

* Sun CC 5.4 ( Workshop/Forte Developer/SunOne Studio 7 ) will successfully
build Boost.Threads.

* Sun CC 5.3 update 2 ( W/FD/SOS 6u2 ) will only build Boost.Threads in
release mode. This compiler generates assertions when attempting to compile
the debug libraries.

* I have not tested any versions earlier than Workshop 6 update 2.

"jenny_qzhang" <jenny_qzhang_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
> Hi, All
> I am working on porting an application from MSVC to solaris
> workshop(the applicatoin is using boost thread lib). I could not
> locate the makefile or jam file for this compiler. Is there anybody
> did the same thing before?
> If you finially made it, can you share your experience, makefile
> with me? Actually I tried to write a makefile myself, but it reported
> a lot of errors related to template parameters :(.
> Thanks very much!
> Qiu

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