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From: Peter Dimov (pdimov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-11 12:23:48

Bobby Thomale wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I just tried to get the new Boost 1.30.0 release to work on MacOS,
> using TARGET_CARBON (with threads turned on).
> I have a problem to report: there's a new "lightweight mutex" being
> used by the smart pointer library.
> There does not seem to be a lightweight mutex implementation for the
> "Carbon MP tasks" thread implementation.
> So - when I compile my code under Boost 1.30 I end up at:
> # error Unrecognized threading platform
> in lightweight_mutex.hpp when it tries to compile any of the smart
> pointer stuff.

You are right, there is no lightweight mutex for Carbon since nobody
submitted one. :-)

In Boost 1.29 and earlier, the #error was commented out, and shared_ptr
silently fell back to the non-thread safe implementation.

If you don't need a thread safe shared_ptr, you can replace the #error with

# include <boost/detail/lwm_nop.hpp>

If you need the thread safety, and you are familiar with Carbon MP tasks,
you can write a lightweight mutex implementation for this platform and
submit it for inclusion. Or you can simply typedef boost::mutex as
boost::detail::lightweight_mutex, if you don't mind linking with


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