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From: geert_ceuppens (gceuppens_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-14 10:48:43

I realise that the binding will need quite some work to get right
under VC6 (see previous posting). I would welcome suggestions to do
the conversion directly (so without all the traits stuff) and not as
general. Goal would be to quickly start and then (hopefully) one day
be able to migrate to the traits version. Maybe the getrf function
in Lapack would be a good starting point? Thanks ...

By the way Toon, I think there is a typo in lapack.hpp:

  template < typename matrix_type, typename IpivIterator >
  int getrf(matrix_type& a, IpivIterator begin_ipiv, IpivIterator
    using namespace boost::numeric::bindings::traits ;
    typedef typename
    value_type ;
    typedef typename boost::numeric::bindings::traits::value_traits<
value_type >::value_type bind_type ;

    int m = boost::numeric::bindings::traits::matrix_size1( a ) ;
    int n = boost::numeric::bindings::traits::matrix_matrix_size2(
a ) ;

Shouldn't matrix_matrix_size2 be matrix_size2? (I can't compile so I
did a visual compilation ;^) ...

Rgds Geert

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