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From: Peter Klotz (peter.klotz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-14 15:45:55

The following is a part of the directory_iterator documentation:

"A path returned by dereferencing a directory_iterator is, if representing a
directory, suitable for.... If not representing a directory, the
dereferenced path is suitable for..."

So I would assume that dereferencing a directory_iterator and using
is_directory() should always be possible. This is not the case for a
dangling link.

In the example below is_directory() throws an exception when a dangling link
is encountered.

boost::filesystem::directory_iterator itDirEnd;
for (boost::filesystem::directory_iterator
    if (boost::filesystem::is_directory(*itDir)) // throws an exception for
dangling links

Should the use of directory_iterator under certain circumstances force the
user to use the native operating system API? Wouldn't it be more consistent
to skip links altogether when iterating?

Best regards, Peter.

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