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From: Andy Klapper (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-15 16:49:27

I'm currently writing some code for a client where I make extensive use of
dynamic_bitsets to determine very quickly which options are appropriate
based on a number of criteria. I set up before hand dynamic_bitset for each
person, place, and thing which are then bitwise AND'd together to determine
where the points of intersection are.

What I need is something with an iterator syntax that returns the indexes
whose values are set. I could of course just loop through looking for set
values, but that seems silly when you think that entire blocks of bits can
be skipped if the block has a value of zero.

So my questions is, before I set out to write some code, has somebody
already done this? It seems like a logical use of dynamic_bit set so it
does not seem implausible. If not, any suggestions or warnings?



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