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From: John Maddock (john_maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-17 10:07:52

> I used regex library which is shipped with boost 1.30 in my project. But
> I found in the case I list below, the regex_match() will crash. Is there
> a pitfall in it?

Yes, it will through an exception if the complexity of the attempted match
grows too high - the alternative is to just keep trying indefinately. You
need to:

1) catch the exception (it's a runtime_error).
2) analyse your regex to reduce ambiguity during matching so that the
matcher spends less time "thrashing" trying to find a match.


> ===================== CODE LIST BEGIN =========================
> #include "stdafx.h"
> #include <afxconv.h>
> #include <boost/regex.hpp>
> using namespace boost;
> void do_regex_match(const string& s)
> {
> CString _c1,_c2;
> _c1 =
_so_glTc G_gl_C,_o/*6hC=@_u"; // Failed
> _c2 =
so_glTc G_gl_C,_o/*6hC=@_u"; // Passed
> wstring ws1(L""),ws2(L"");
> ws1=A2W(_c1);
> ws2=A2W(_c2);
> wstring wsMatchString(L"");
> wsMatchString=A2W(".*(要)?.*天气.*");
> boost::wregex
> boost::regex_match(ws2,e);// Pass
> boost::regex_match(ws1,e);// Crash
> }
> ======================== CODE LIST END =========================
> As you can see in the code, if any change is made to _c1, the test will
> pass or it will crash. I will list my compiler and system information
> below.
> Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Professionall with SP5
> OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional with SP3
> RAM: 512M
> CPU: PIII 700
> Any help will be appreciated.
> Phipps Xue
> Software Engineer, MCP/MCSD
> Email: xuejm_at_[hidden]
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