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From: E. Scott Larsen (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-17 13:03:38

hmmm, I wonder why we were having so much trouble with it then? Maybe
we were using __argv or something like that because we needed the
executable and GetCommandLine() stripped it? I honestly don't remember.
   I _do_ remember significant problems with it though. Everything you
say below looks familiar. Hmmm....

Ben Hutchings wrote:
> E. Scott Larsen wrote:
>>Just FYI to this thread in general. It's been a while since I've
> messed
>>with WinMain and command lines, but if my memory serves me right (it
> was
>>at a different place, so I don't have the code here), there's some
>>additional whacky issues here. WinMain recieves the first arguments
>>differently depending on how it is run:
>>*) from MSVC debugger
>>*) from a commandline
>>*) by clicking on an shortcut icon
>>*) by clicking in an explorer window
> I find this hard to believe, as WinMain is just given a pointer into the
> command line returned by GetCommandLine(), incremented past the program
> name and any following space.
>>don't remember which is which, but one gives just the executable name,
>>one gives the full path to the executable (seems like there's two
>>variations on this, like one is quoted and one is not, don't remember
>>the details), and it seems like there's one that doesn't give the
>>executable at all.
> I can imagine there's some variation in program name; it's normal for
> programs to be started with short names rather than their full
> filenames. The quoting is weird though; that should be removed before
> you see it.
>>Also, I _distinctly_ remember something very whacky when I used
> unicode,
>>I don't remember the details, but the commandline arguments were a
>>significant pain for a program built with unicode support using the
>>unicode windows entry function. That still tastes bad in my mouth.
> According to the docs, this ought to work:
> wchar_t ** argv;
> int argc;
> argv = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &argc);
> but I've never tried it; maybe it doesn't.
> If you were using WinCE then I feel your pain and hope you've recovered.
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