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From: Tom Matelich (tmatelich_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-18 15:14:29

> From: Terje Slettebų [mailto:tslettebo_at_[hidden]]
> >From: "Tom Matelich" <tmatelich_at_[hidden]>
> > I haven't gone and looked at the boost ml archives to track
> > the reason for
> > this down, but the addition of stream.unsetf(std::ios::skipws) in
> > lexical_cast caused some of our code to fail. I've commented it out
> > locally, and was wondering why it was decided this is more
> > appropriate default behavior.
> It was done to avoid the problems with throwing exceptions on
> whitespace.
> For example, without it, the following would throw a bad_lexical_cast:
> lexical_cast<std::string>(' '); // A space character
> What kind of code is the current version failing at?

We have some legacy files that are converted to xml through some process (I
didn't write it) and it ends up with space-padded strings for ints. So the
test case was dying converting " 86" to an int.

I can see its purpose, except that example wouldn't happen because of the
std::string overload, right?

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