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From: Ben Hutchings (ben.hutchings_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-22 05:36:23

You wrote:
> In the case of dangling links I obtain a not_found_error.
> This seems to be a contradiction. First I find something (and obtain
> iterator) and without any interference from
> outside is_directory() tells me it cannot find the object.
> The problem is that directory_iterator refers to the link whereas
> is_directory() and the following exception refer to the target (which
> missing).

To make this consistent, then, maybe is_directory() and friends should
be using lstat rather than stat on Unix. Is it desirable that links
be resolved? I suppose it is if the iterator is being used to walk
a whole tree - but not if it's being used to list a single directory.

Perhaps there is a need to include explicit support for links in the
API. Windows has supported them since 2000, so they aren't just a
Unix thing now.

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