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Boost Users :

From: Bryan Coon (bcoon_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-22 12:24:00


I am totally new to boost and just wanted to ask a couple of simple

First, I compiled the boost libraries okay with msvc. I updated the include
path in my vc++ 6.0, and can include boost files via #include
<boost/xxx.hpp>. So far so good!

I wanted to try some things out, like boost's mersenne twister random number
generator. I first did this:
#include <boost/random/mersenn_twister.hpp>
And got no errors. Then I read there was a random.hpp for convenience so I
changed this to:
#include <boost/random.hpp>
And received as a reward complaints:
d:\dev\devproject\boost_1_30_0\boost\random\uniform_01.hpp(44) : error
C2275: 'std::numeric_limits<`template-parameter258'>::is_integer' : illegal
use of this type as an expression
d:\dev\devproject\boost_1_30_0\boost\random\uniform_01.hpp(95) : see
reference to class template instantiation
'boost::uniform_01<UniformRandomNumberGenerator,RealType>' being compiled

There were 6 of these errors. What am I doing wrong?

Also, is there a way to include the boost libs in vc++ where I get the
autocompletion if I use boost:: ? It is very difficult to figure out how
the libs are supposed to be used (for me) by looking at example code or the
documentation. Autocompletion as if boost were part of my project would be
very useful.


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