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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-22 19:47:25

At 06:55 AM 4/22/2003, Peter Dimov wrote:
>Peter Klotz wrote:
>>> Yes - in cases where there doesn't seem to be any way to abstract the
>>> operation into a portable function it is better to leave it for an
>>> operating system specific function.
>> I agree.
>> What about adding a "non portable" error code for filesystem_error,
>> something like missing_target_error?
>> Okay, this would be an implicit is_link() function :-)
>Both missing_target_error and is_link() look entirely reasonable to me.

The portable error_code is just not_found_error, because some operating
systems may not distinguish a broken link from other not found conditions.

is_link() sounds promising, but we would have to survey more operating
systems first to be sure.


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