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Boost Users :

From: John Harris (john.harris_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-23 15:42:07

--- In Boost-Users_at_[hidden], "Ben Hutchings"
> Which all indicates that operator< is not defined for t, because we
> didn't include <string>.

Hey, you're right. Adding #include <string> worked. Thanks.

> Let's not be so quick to blame the compiler. VC++ 7 is a long way
> ahead of version 6.

Oh, I agree. Are you kidding? I can't *wait* 'till we fully cut
over to the new compiler. There's so much code I can clean up.

Since it seems to work on VC7.1, it would be nice if the author had
access to that compiler and could do some testing. In the mean time,
I'll try some stuff with this new toy and report any further problems.


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