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From: steelgig (bastardinside77_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-25 03:59:06

Hi, I'm working on a project for the university and I'm looking for
some C++ library or application that could help me.
My goal is to extract some kind of information related to the
spectra of a signal coded in MP3.
I'm looking for a spectrum analyzer that localizes peaks in the
power spectrum (better if it works on a user-specified band) and
allows the detection of the temporal occurence of each peak and its
I also need to retrieve some sample of frequency components (or the
MDCT coefficients) near the identified peaks.
Every suggestion is welcome (even something that satisfies only
partially the requests or that indicates a better place to found an
answer to this message).
Thanks in advance for the help,

PS: even some function that works on the MP3 file without decoding
it, for example only partial decoding actions (IMDCT, Huffman
decoding) or subband value retrieval function, could be useful.

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