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From: John Harris (john.harris_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-26 16:24:48

--- In Boost-Users_at_[hidden], scleary_at_j... wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> [+] The object-related Allocator requirements (construct()/destroy
()) do not
> have anything to do with allocation/deallocation, and are generally
> considered to be a useless overspecification.

Thanks for taking the time to detail this. I think I get it. The
object_pool interface is not what I want. If I extend the
pool_allocator interface with a user-specifiable tag as you suggest,
then that becomes a new singleton interface to a new, separate pool
specific to my type (right?). Furthermore, if I were to purge_memory
() on the underlying pool, what would get purged would be only the
blocks allocated by the pool_allocator specific to my type.


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