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From: Vaclav Vesely (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-29 07:42:21


I would like to ask for help with using bjam. I want to have more project
directory trees, for example:


and I want to compile binaries to separate directories:


So I have to set different values of the ALL_LOCATE_TARGET environment
variable for each project. It's unconfortable to set that value each time I
want to inovoke the bjam, so I want to set it in the Jamfile of each
project. I mean somethin like this:

--- C:\src\my_first_project\Jamfile ---
    project-root ;
    ALL_LOCATE_TARGET = C:\build\my_projects\first

Of course, this doesn't work. Can someone propose the solustion?
BTW it would be handy to use the "project-root" directive for this reason:
--- C:\src\my_first_project\Jamfile ---
    project-root my_projects/first ;
The specified path is ment as relative to the ALL_LOCATE_TARGET.
Thanks and regards,

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