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From: Dave Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-30 08:31:41

l_at_lo wrote:
> Hi everybody!
> I'm trying to compile the smart_ptr library using the Jamfile in
> the test directory. Some of the test *.cpp files are compiled
> successfully, but some of them drops the following error:
> sunpro-Link-action
> ../../../libs/smart_ptr/test/bin/shared_ptr_alloc_
> test.test/sunpro/debug/runtime-link-dynamic/shared_ptr_alloc_test
> Undefined first referenced
> symbol in file
> boost::__RTTI__1nFboostPchecked_deleter4nBZ___
> /rest/proj/users/kercsoj/boost/boost_1_30_0/libs/s
> mart_ptr/test/bin/shared_ptr_alloc_test.test/sunpr
> o/debug/runtime-link-dynamic/
> SunWS_cache/CC_obj__/_iANwWXwaw2nbnjBybyL.o
> [Hint: static member boost::__RTTI__1nFboostPchecked_deleter4nBZ___
> must be defined in the program]
> It's seems, it is a common error, because it appears several times in
> the error output of the compiler.
> Has anybody any ideea, why this error message comes, and how could be
> corrected?

Are you compiling with RTTI off?

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