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From: Hossein Haeri (powerprogman_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-30 11:40:44

Dear Darin,

> boost::shared_ptr<int const> sp2(&a);
> The way const works with shared_ptr is similar to
> the way it works with
> plain pointers. You can have a constant pointer,
> which means the
> pointer can't be modified, or a pointer to constant,
> which means the
> object that's pointed to can't be modified.

OK! Now what are the "cast" guarantees? I mean
something such as this:

boost::shared_ptr<int> sp3(&a);
boost::shared_ptr<const int> sp4(sp3);

Is the above code legal? What is the result then?

> Hope that helps.
Yes, it was.

Thanks a lot,

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