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From: Hossein Haeri (powerprogman_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-05-02 06:45:31

Dear John,

> Hossein, if you'll post a description of what you
> really want to do,
> then we might be able to suggest a better idiom for
> you to follow.

You are too nice to me because of keeping track of my
issues so much! But I don't have any seroius work to
do on this latter topic, and your previouse answers
were enough for my application. The only point is that
I was trying to purge my mistake. That's all!

But if you want to know about the reason behind my
first question, I'm going to define a new "holder"
object (named so by Bjarne Stroustrup), that is
described in an artocle, which I'm writting these
I would be pleased if I can post a proposal for that
object to Boost, but I don't know how. You will help
me if you can tell me about the way.


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