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From: Douglas Gregor (gregod_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-05-05 13:19:21

On Monday 05 May 2003 02:08 pm, Bobby Thomale wrote:
> > William Kempf is the author/maintainer of Boost.Threads and Mac Murrett
> > contributed the Mac carbon implementation. If you would put together a
> > patch using the appropriate functionN classes it would be appreciated,
> > and I'm sure Bill Kempf would accept it.
> Ok. I have already made the changes locally. Do you want me to just send
> them to Bill then?

If you post it to the Boost developers list, (make sure "thread" is in the
subject!), he'll see it.

> >> Secondly, the Signals library is not compiling. It's actually not a
> >> Signals problem, I think it is a type_traits problem.
> >
> > Odd. It sounds like a compiler problem, but our Win32 regression tests
> > show Signals working properly with CodeWarrior 8.3. We don't have any
> > regular regression testing for CodeWarrior on the Mac, unfortunately :(
> Huh. It is definitely broken - someone else posted about it earlier today,
> too.
> Well, I wasn't sure what to do about it. My thought was that CodeWarrior
> should be using the same "broken compiler workaround" that the other
> compilers were using.

Recent versions of CodeWarrior can handle it. I suggest trying the solution
Mat Marcus proposed.

> I will send you the change I made. It makes it compile all right but I
> have no idea if it is the right thing or not... (I don't exactly
> understand the type-traits source. :-)
> Are you the right person to take a look at it and (possibly) add it to the
> Boost sources?

I can, but I'm not the best person for it.


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