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From: John Van Horne (jvanhorne_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-05-06 14:59:25

We have an application which uses boost threads and omnithreads. A
developer encountered a problem where threads would deadlock when a
condition variable was wait()-ed in a boost-created thread. Every once
in a while the unlock was not seen by the CORBA created threads. The
problem went away when we applied Yulik's patch.

Thanks, Yulik.

-John Van Horne

Feldman, Yulik wrote:

> Thanks Alexander for the pointer to this long and interesting
> discussion. I'll check my design whether I could get rid of the
> recursive mutexes in order to reduce the probability of not holding
> invariants when the wait() is called, especially since the code still
> doesn't behave correctly, even after the Boost bug is fixed :)
> William, unfortunately I don't have a small testcase for the bug and it
> seems that it will be too time-consuming for me to try to prepare a
> small "working" testcase. Thanks for confirming the bug report (it makes
> me feel better that the debugging time was not wasted).
> --Yulik.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: William E. Kempf [mailto:wekempf_at_[hidden]]
> Sent: Monday, May 05, 2003 6:44 PM
> To: Boost-Users_at_[hidden]
> Subject: Re: [Boost-Users] bug in pthreads implementation of
> recursive_mutex
> Feldman, Yulik said:
> > Hi,
> >
> >
> >
> > It looks that there is a bug in
> > .../boost_1_30_0/libs/thread/src/recursive_mutex.cpp. The bug shows in
> > the pthreads implementation of the recursive_mutex when the mutex is
> > used with the "condition" synchronization primitive. Here is the
> > description of the bug:
> You're evaluation of the bug is correct. I'll fix this in CVS shortly.
> Do you maybe have a test case for this that I could add to the
> regression
> tests?
> BTW, Mr. Terekhov does provide a good resource in his posting on this
> subject. I disagree with some points in the thread he posted, but it is
> quite true that you absolutely must gaurantee that invariants hold at
> the
> point cond.wait() is called, and that doing so is complicated by the use
> of recursive locks. Either avoid recursive locks entirely, avoid
> condition variables with recursive mutexes, or be very sure of the
> design
> and the state of your invariants.
> --
> William E. Kempf
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