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From: John Maddock (john_maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-05-07 06:03:17

> If I try to add another more to this I get an exception:
> "Max regex search depth exceeded."
> I am assuming that this is because I've created a infinite loop. I'm
> not sure how to
> extend this expression to place every email address in the vector
> seperatly.

That usually happens if you create an "ambiguous" expression and the regex
matcher starts thrashing trying to find the best possible match. Try to
ensure that each time the state machine has to make a choice, that the
result is unambiguous.

However I think of an easy way to do a one stop possessing like you want to
with regex_split, probably getting the To line and then splitting that is
the way to go.


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