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Boost Users :

From: richard_fanta (richard.fanta_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-05-08 09:03:43

--- In Boost-Users_at_[hidden], Beman Dawes <bdawes_at_a...> wrote:
> At 03:49 PM 5/7/2003, richard_fanta wrote:
> >Out of the last 50 apps you wrote that did file access, how many
> >involved CD-ROMS/DVDs that were ISO 9660 filesystems?
> All of the commercial apps I've done for over ten years have to run
> ISO 9660 filesystems (among others). The bug reports remind me of
this if I
> forget.
> --Beman

Point well taken, but this would probably be expected of digital
mapping applications. [I'm sure you've done a lot more, too.]

No one is suggested precluding the use of ISO 9660 filesystems, and I
don't see how adding "last access" time to the Boost filesystem
library would do that. I'm sure that something reasonable could be
agreed for "last access" time there, while also accomodating the very
common (and I would argue greater volume) of applications that use
read/write Posix and Windows filesystems.

I recently read an article summarizing an interview with you
(Beman). In it you had stated a highly laudable goal of creating a
set of C++ libraries to make it competitive with those available in
Java, Python, etc.

IMO, to make C++ competitive in this way, you have to make it very
easy for folks to do basic things that they expect to be there (such
as what we've been discussing here).

As a user, having to augment C++ libraries fairly often to meet
common needs is an annoyance (as a relative C++ newbie current
lacking the skill of many here, it's hard to preserve the same style
as Boost) that makes me want to go elsewhere (e.g. back to Java).
Also, again (currently ;^) lacking mastery to make such additions
cross-platform, my app will likely fail in that regard too, hence
losing one of the principle benefits of Boost. Neither of these is a
good thing, and both cost time.

Boost-users list run by williamkempf at, kalb at, bjorn.karlsson at, gregod at, wekempf at