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From: Russell Hind (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-05-08 02:31:28

yss15632 wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using boost on a linux system. I upgraded from boost_1_29_0 to
> 1_30_0. However, if I build the library just by typing "bjam" I cannot
> find the static library libboost_thread.a, in contrary to version
> 1_29_0. How can I generate it?

Search through the boost.devel grouup for this. There have been many
discussions on it. The reason being that on win32 (IIRC), there is no
way to ensure proper clean up of TLS unless you use a DLL.

FWIW, in our apps, all threads are created at startup, and killed at
shutdown, so for us, the leaks produced by this will have minimal impact
for us, so I have built the static version by adding the appropriate
lines into the bjam file (copy them from 1.29.0 bjam file). You can do
this if you wish.

I'm sure William will step in if my summary of the problem above is
incorrect :)



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