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From: Jeff Holle (jeff.holle_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-05-09 14:41:44

Its time to switch your global function "myaction" into a functor.
Functors are classes that have a function call operator with the same
synopsis as your function.
The advantage is that one can pass custom data to it via a non-default

Functors should be and sometimes must be stateless, so care must be
employeed to use references in member data.

Slava Akhmechet wrote:

> I am playing around with Spirit and I seem to run into an architecture
> problem with semantic actions. Here's a small example.
> class MyGrammar : public grammar<MyGrammar>
> {
> public:
> template <typename ScannerT>
> struct definition
> {
> definition(MyGrammar const& self)
> {
> TestRule = str_p("test")[&my_action];
> }
> rule<ScannerT> const&
> start() const { return TestRulet; };
> private:
> rule<ScannerT> TestRule;
> };
> };
> My major problem is related to the fact that I cannot pass any custom
> data to my_action function. Since my_action is a global function, it
> has no knowledge of MyGrammar and must rely on global variables.
> Ideally, I would pass self to my_action to be able to hold state. What
> is a general way to get around this problem? The documention mentions
> a way to specify member functions as semantic action actors using
> boost's bind facilities but I was unable to get it to work.
> Thanks in advance.
> P.S. Sorry for a fairly newbie question, I was unable to find the
> answer online or in the docs.
> P.P.S. I might have accidently double posted this. Sorry about that.
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