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From: jhr.walter_at_[hidden]
Date: 2003-05-12 01:55:31

Hi Ian,

you wrote:

> When i try to compile the code in listing 1 below using MSVC7.1 i get a
> whole host of errors of the same form as that given in listing 2. I've
> looked around on google but either i'm not concentrating or this issue
> hasn't come up yet.

John Maddock reported and explained this problem to me some time ago
(thanks!) and I've (hopefully) implemented a *ugly* workaround for it. The
problem is due to the questions of DR 135 and its (new ;-) interpretation
through MS. The correct solution probably would be to separate class member
declarations and definitions, but then the code probably wouldn't work with
MSVC 6.0 anymore :-(.

> I've also had a quick look in boost/format but would
> rather not hack around with stuff i don't know. Does anyone know what i
> need to do to get this working?

You can download one of the newer version from and try to enable


in the MSVC section of ublas' config.hpp. But be aware that you're probably
one of the first to give this a try ;-)




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