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From: Mark Sizer (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-05-13 09:51:40

Thanks for the idea. I may end up going this route (because it's more
like the current code), but I think the thread_specific_ptr<> is the
"right" choice.

- Mark

Sam Partington wrote:

> William E. Kempf wrote:
>>Actually, we can, and do in the thread_dev branch. It means that the
>>ID is of implementation defined type, but it's portable.
> In the mean time I would probably do something like the following:
> (obviously it needs a bit of fleshing out)
> template<class T> class thread_map
> {
> class wrapper;
> public:
> typedef const wrapper* id;
> id create(const boost::function1<void, id> &f, const T& data)
> {
> boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m);
> threads.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<wrapper>(new wrapper(f)));
> return ids.insert(std::make_pair(threads.back().get(),
> data)).first->first;
> }
> T& operator[](id x)
> {
> boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m);
> std::map<id, T>::iterator i(ids.find(x));
> if (i == ids.end())
> throw std::out_of_range("Thread ID does not exist");
> return i->second;
> }
> private:
> class wrapper : boost::noncopyable
> {
> boost::thread t;
> public:
> explicit wrapper(boost::function1<void, id> f)
> : t(boost::bind<void>(f, this))
> {}
> };
> boost::mutex m;
> std::map<id, T> ids;
> std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<wrapper> > threads;
> };
> void mythread(thread_map<int>::id id) { /* do something */ }
> void f()
> {
> thread_map<int> threads;
> thread_map<int>::id id(threads.create(&mythread, 42));
> DEBUG_ASSERT(threads[id] == 42);
> }
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