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From: jhr.walter_at_[hidden]
Date: 2003-05-17 02:53:25

Hi Benedikt,

you wrote:

> > Changed to std::rand() in my local copy (seems like I've been
> > programming too much C in the past ;-)
> And don't forget atoi() in rand1.cpp, rand2.cpp, rand3.cpp, rand4.cpp

Those are not mine ;-) But I see, what you mean (and fixed it).

> > What about bjam -sBUILD="release" ?
> Yes, that works fine. Sorry I just started to use bjam and only used the
> default cases. I noticed that other libraries build debug and release by
> default. So I expected the same from ublas.

There's one difference: they build libraries. We only build tests.

> Now I have a more serios problem. Codewarrior (cwpro8) has problems when
> decrementing iterators in several places. I just give you 2 examples,
> are similar. (I can mail you all the long error messages if necessary)

The diagnostics reference the following code

        friend reverse_iterator_base1 operator + (const
reverse_iterator_base1 &it, difference_type n) {
            reverse_iterator_base1 tmp (it);
            return tmp += n;
        friend reverse_iterator_base1 operator - (const
reverse_iterator_base1 &it, difference_type n) {
            reverse_iterator_base1 tmp (it);
            return tmp -= n;
        friend difference_type operator - (const reverse_iterator_base1
&it1, const reverse_iterator_base1 &it2) {
            return it2.base () - it1.base ();

It would be great, if you could give


a try. I've probably changed the default in the past.




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