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Boost Users :

From: John Maddock (john_maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-05-18 06:51:53

> I tried to build boost out of the box. Everthing worked fine except the
> following:
> -------------------------------------
> D:\boost\boost_1_30_0>bjam "-sTOOLS=cwpro8"
> ...
> FileClone libs\regex\build\bin-stage\boost_regex_debug.lib
> The system cannot find the file specified.
> ...
> FileClone libs\regex\build\bin-stage\boost_regex.lib
> The system cannot find the file specified.
> --------------------------------------
> The actual file names generated in libs\regex\build\bin-stage are:
> libboost_regex_debug.lib and libboost_regex.lib, i.e. they have an extra
> "lib" prepended.
> Interestingly enough the analogous dll files are:
> boost_regex_debug.dll and boost_regex.dll as expected.
> Any ideas?

Yes, if you build the <runtime-link>static build variant then building the
dll doesn't actually work - no code is exported from the dll, so no .lib
files are exported from it. I'll patch the Jamfile to stop that variant
from being built; in the mean time the libboost_regex files are the static
boost regex libs, and should work fine.

John Maddock

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