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From: John Maddock (john_maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-05-20 06:22:24

> I am compiling a program that uses the boost RegEx library on an
> AS/400 native C compiler. When compiled with VC6 it runs fine, but
> when compiled with the AS/400 compiler, the dollar sign doesn't
> function in either the regular and format expressions. For example,
> when I try a regex_merge and I have a format expression something
> like this "Example $1 and $2", it will find the submatches, but not
> insert anything in for $1 and $2, it'll just be "Example and ".
> Also, in a regular expression when the dollar sign serves as a line
> anchor, it won't match when it should. Both usages of the dollar
> sign run fine when compiled on the PC. Everything else, so far,
> seems to be working okay on the AS/400. Anyone have any ideas?

None, what happens if you run the tests:

cd libs/regex/test
bjam -sTOOLS=whatever


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