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From: William E. Kempf (wekempf_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-05-21 12:24:22

Aatu Koskensilta said:
> Hello.
> I have a very simple server, in which there is a loop that looks like
> while( (c_sock = accept(...)) != -1)
> {
> try
> {
> boost::thread thr( boost::bind(&ServerClass::client_connection, this,
> c_sock));
> }catch ( const std::exception & e)
> {
> std::cout << "Exception " << e << std::endl;
> close(c_sock);
> }
> }
> Now, it used to look more like
> while( (c_sock = accept(...)) != -1)
> {
> pthread_t thr;
> pthread_attr_t attrs;
> pthread_attr_init(&attrs);
> pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attrs, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
> thr_data * data = new thr_data(this, c_sock);
> pthread_create(&thr, &attrs, thread_proxy_function, thr_data);
> }
> (Actually, the pthread specific stuff and thread parameter wrapping and
> all that that was done with wrappers written by me. Also, there was
> proper error checking and all.)
> Now, the older version worked without any problems. However, the newer
> version using boost::thread ceased to work after approximately 256
> threads had been created *all of which had exited*, pthread_create
> reporting an error Memory allocation failed which was reported as a
> resource allocation error by boost::thread.
> It seems that this problem was caused by the fact that the thread
> function usually got to execute and finish *before* the temporary thread
> object was destroyed (boost::thread destructor calls pthread_detach).
> Apparently LinuxThreads didn't consider it prudent to release the
> resources allocated to the thread upon call of pthread_detach if the
> thread had exited but no one had joined it yet.
> Is my analysis credible?

Sounds credible... but I didn't know the POSIX standard behaved in this
manner (i.e. detaching a thread that had already ended would leak
resources instead of behaving like a join in this case). I'll have to
research both the standard and my own code here.

> Am I doing something completely idiotic here?


> I
> managed to get my server code functioning by poking at the
> boost::thread code and making it create threads detached by default,
> but that's hardly a very elegant solution.


> I'm testing this code in a RedHat 9 Linux box.

Do you have a short test case for this?

William E. Kempf

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